Inspired Politics

  • Mar 24, 2015
  • madeline

Erika Feresten

Emerge California class 2015


Emerge America, like other women’s political organizations, is

dedicated to getting more women to run for political office. As a

member of the Emerge California class of 2015, I see this as a most worthy

and necessary mission. Our voices are valid and important, yet often

overlooked in mainstream politics. Emerge is giving women the tools

necessary to run successful campaigns so we can have a say in the

policies that effect our communities and even our own bodies. Still,

what fires me up the most about Emerge is the dedication to replacing

the usual contentious politics with inspired politics.


Emerge advocates that running a campaign based on Vision, Values

and Purpose is a winning strategy. We are being educated as future

political candidates to stand in and speak from our highest and best

selves, thus eliminating the need for personal attacks on other

candidates. We are being taught to embrace ourselves, to find the

gifts in our flaws and past mistakes, thus freeing us to speak

truthfully, clearly and to stay focused on solutions. Most importantly

though; we are being challenged to know our “Why,” or our purpose

for running. When we approach things from a place of purpose we are

able to make all of our decisions from a place of inspiration rather than

desperation. By utilizing inspired politics we are able to apply our

personal values and our best practices to running an inspired and

winning campaign.